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By enrolling in your company-sponsored pre-tax benefits, you are using a smart, simple way to save money and keep you and your family healthy and protected. Many of these plans pay for eligible expenses not covered by your insurance, including Medical, Dental, Vision and Prescription expenses. When participating in these plans, you contribute pre-tax dollars to a dedicated account. 

On average, employees can save between 25-40% on out of pocket expenses!

Learn more about our many CDH reimbursement account options, offering the flexibility to spend where you need to!


Flexible Spending Accounts allow employees to set aside a portion of their paychecks (pre-tax) into an account to budget for expenses not covered by their health plan. The participant can use the account to pay for certain over-the-counter medications, co-pays at the doctor, chiropractors, eyeglasses, contacts, LASIK, orthodontia, and much more!


Health Savings Accounts allow employees to set aside a portion of their paychecks (pre-tax) into an "IRA-like" custodial account to pay expenses not covered by another health plan. To contribute to an HSA, employees must also be covered by an IRS qualified high deductible plan. Employers may contribute to employees' HSAs. Unlike FSAs, unused funds can be carried forward to the future. HSAs are also portable and can be taken to a new employer or used at retirement. 


Health Reimbursement Arrangements are funded with employer dollars to pay expenses not covered by another health plan. An employer can opt for its HRA to pay some or all of the health expenses, including premiums for health and long-term care insurance; or the HRA could be limited to cover only dental or vision expenses. Although an HRA can have an option to carry forward unused funds to the future or for retirement, an employee cannot take their HRA funds to a new employer. 

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